
Pelajaran Quran dari Mirza

Berikut ialah pelajaran dari Mirza Zahirah
Pelajaran ini dari halaman Surah taha
Berikut ialah pelajaran yang diperoleh:
Pelajaran dari (20:36-46)\n-Ingat segala nikmat yg Allah beri\n-Setiap nikmat itu bukan utk disia2kan dgn hidup bersenang- lenang\n-Tetapi utk terus melakukan misi & memperjuangkan agama Allah \n- jgn takut ketika melakukan misi memperjuangkan agama, kerana Allah sentiasa ada bersama memberi pertolongan \n\n#from MQT, MQ, to ABAQ & iluvquran. Mixed feeling , overwhelmed, overjoyed , truly grateful for these past few days. Alhamdulillah. Amazed when listening to stories about prophets, also stories on how people could obtain hidayah, about their life journey, struggles & patience , MashaAllah. Allah indeed is the greatest planner. Though I feel envy (in a good way), I pray may Allah protect him, whom I respect/adore since childhood (or is it ودد, the feeling that Allah beri pd org beriman?)

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